Q: Can I integrate with other institutional or corporate services?
A: Aolr provides system APIs that can connect with other platforms, currently supporting Crossref, RePEc, Ithenticate etc.
Q: Can I use my existing domain?
A: You can directly bind your own domain to the journal website generated by Aolr.
Q: Can I customize the manuscript handling workflow?
A: Aolr supports highly customizable workflows that can fully meet the requirements of different journals.
Q: Can DOIs be registered?
A: Aolr provides one-click Crossref DOI registration and update functions.
Q: Can it be indexed by Google Scholar?
A: Aolr article and journal metadata meet Google Scholar indexing requirements.
Q: Can I build multiple journals simultaneously with Aolr Builder?
A: Each Aolr Builder account currently only supports creating one free journal.
Q: Can I only use the submission & peer review system?
A: You can use Aolr's online submission and peer review system without building a whole journal website.
Q: Can I design a brand new template for my journal homepage?
A: Aolr supports highly customizable website styles that can design unique templates for your journal.
Q: How can I migrate from OJS to Aolr?
A: We will provide detailed OJS data migration solutions.
Q: How is system security ensured?
A: We use encryption algorithms and security protocols to provide all-around protection for the platform and data. The system prevents tampering through permission control and operation audit.
Q: Is it complex to use? Does it require a technical background?
A: We provide simple and easy-to-use UI design and operation workflows that do not require a technical background to get started.
Q: Can data and metadata backup be performed?
A: We perform regular automated cloud backups.
Q: What payment plans are specifically available?
A: We offer flexible usage plans, please contact sales for detailed pricing schemes.